Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Vikram Seth's Historic Speech at Kolkata Literary Meet 2012

The following text has been quoted from the transcript of Vikram Seth's inaugural address at the opening of  the first Kolkata Literary Meet on January 26, 2012.

Thank you very much for inviting me this Republic Day to inaugurate the first Kolkata Literary Meet - or KLM - or (most aptly of all) 'Kolom'.
By the word 'kolom' I imagine we mean not only the pen but also the typewriter and the computer - in other words, any means of writing. The 'kolom' represents them all.
I am happy and honoured to be here - in this place, during this year, on this day, for this occasion.
In this place, because I am back where I was born.
During this year, because it is a century and a half since the birth of Tagore.
On this day, because it was today, more than sixty years ago, that we put into effect the book of law by which we as a nation live.
For this occasion, because it celebrates the word not as law but as literature, the expression of ourselves as human beings.
I shall call these the four 'ko's, following the Bengali style: Kolkata, Kobi, Constitution, Kolom: the place Kolkata, the year of the Kobi, the day of the Constitution, the occasion of Kolom.
Let me say a few words about each of these.